Registration Advising Handout

 Advising Information

Important GEP Information
  • All COEIT majors have a writing intensive course built into the program of study. You must take ENGL 100 prior to your writing intensive course.
  • For CMSC majors, CMSC 304 is a required course that meets one of the Arts & Humanities requirements.
  • You may NOT have all three Arts & Humanities or all three Social Science courses come from the same discipline. If you use an FYS for one of your Arts & Humanities or Social Science courses, the other two must come from different disciplines.
  • All ENGR students will have the 120 credits, 45 upper levels, and lab requirements met automatically through the major.
  • CMSC students will need additional credits (free electives) to get to the 120 and will need one additional upper-level (300 or 400 level course) course to reach 45 credits.


Registration Information:
  • Once your schedule is approved by an advisor, you will receive advising clearance.
  • After you receive advising clearance, and on or after March 24th, you will be able to put your Fall schedule in your “shopping cart” but will not be able to register until your registration time.
  • Your myUMBC homepage should show your registration date/time starting around March 24th.


Summer Course Information:
  • You can register for Summer Courses starting March 1st- advising authorization is not required.
  • If you want to take a class at a Maryland Community College, you can consult ARTSYS  to check the transferability of the course.
  • All transfer courses (community college and four-year) require a Verification of Transferability Form found on the Registrar’s Office website under Transfer Forms. This form should be submitted and approved prior to taking the course. Only courses in your major require an advisor’s signature.


Chemical Engineering Course Permissions
  • ENCH 215 needs permission- please confirm with your advisor that you have received this permission.


For Students who will pass Gateway after this semester:
  • Any student who will pass the gateway this semester will be processed after Spring grades post. If you are taking a gateway course off campus, we can only process your gateway if your grades have been posted to your UMBC account by the start of the Spring semester.
  • Any student who is a “Pre-Major” will be designated as a “Major” after we process gateways


Important Dates
  • April 4  – Last day to drop an individual class with a “W” or change the grading method to S/U (Ws & S/Us count as an attempt but do not impact your GPA).
  • April 1- April 18  – All currently enrolled Undergraduates can register at their designated time.
  • March 24 – The Fall schedule is available, and students can put courses in their “Shopping Cart.”


Course Repeat Information
  • Students in all Engineering and Computer Science majors (including “Pre-Majors”) are permitted only a single repeat of any required or prerequisite course. Withdrawals count as attempts. Third attempts are allowed only with special permission and are not guaranteed. Please contact an advisor with any questions.