Advisor FAQs
Who is my advisor?
- If your major is Pre-Mechanical Engineering, Pre-Chemical Engineering, Pre-Computer Engineering, Pre-Computer Science, or Pre-Engineering, this means you have not yet passed the gateway for your major, or you are a first-semester transfer student.
- Students with these majors are advised by one of the undergraduate advisors in Undergraduate Student Services at the College of Engineering and Information Technology (COEIT). You may see any advisor.
- Information Systems and Business Technology Administration students are assigned a faculty advisor.
Who is my advisor if I have passed the Gateway?
Once you have passed the Gateway, you will be assigned a faculty advisor. Assigning faculty advisors occurs twice yearly, generally in late September and early March.
How can I find the name/ contact information for my Faculty Advisor?
Once you have passed the gateway and faculty advisors have been assigned, you can locate the name of your faculty advisor in your myUMBC account.
- You should log in to your myUMBC.
- Select “Profile” —> Degree.
- Your assigned advisor and major will be listed on the right-hand side of the screen.
Why do I need to see an advisor?
Advisors are here to help you navigate through UMBC from orientation to graduation.
- We can explain
- General education and major graduation requirements
- Provide information about various campus resources
- Help you with logistics such as changing your major
- Explain the process for taking a course off campus.
We are here to answer questions and point students in the right direction. You must also see an advisor twice a year, once for Fall registration clearance and once for Spring registration clearance. However, we hope you will come to see us frequently throughout the year.
Hours of Operation & Location FAQs
What are the hours of operation for Undergraduate Student Services?
Undergraduate Student Services is open from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Monday thru Friday.
Where is undergraduate student services located?
Undergraduate Student Services is located in the ITE Building (behind Sherman Hall and next to the Engineering Building) on the second floor, rooms 202-207.
Advising appointment FAQs
How do I schedule an appointment?
Appointments can be scheduled here.
What happens at an advising appointment?
- During registration advising we will go over your degree audit (graduation and major requirements) and plan courses for the next semester.
- We are available throughout the year for walk in advising to answer any questions students may have about their major or the university.
- Students with complex issues or concerns can make an appointment with an advisor here.
What happens if I do not attend an advising appointment?
You will not be able to register for classes until you meet with an advisor and obtain advising clearance.
Course FAQs
I got a D in one of my courses. I can still use it towards my GEP or Major requirements?
Students are required to earn a grade of C or higher in any course:
1. Intended to fill general education (GEP) requirements
2. Required for your major
3. Prerequisite courses (e.g. MATH 151 must be completed with a minimum grade of C in order to enroll in MATH 152.)